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The Importance of Setting Goals

By Luci Fardo

One of the things that I find the most helpful in my life is creating and achieving goals. I believe that it makes it easier to achieve more. If you make a list and write your goals on it you are more likely to think about and achieve it. I love checking off those goals throughout the year. I decided that I would create a goal list here and share it with you the reader. The ones that I enjoy I can share the experience with you.

Adventure and Travel

  1. Travel to three new cities.

  2. Travel to three new states

  3. Go on a cruise.

  4. Travel outside of the country.

  5. Go to a new sporting event at the local university.

  6. Go kayaking.

  7. Go to a cenote. (Underwater cave)

  8. Go fruit picking.

  9. Eat five new things.

  10. Visit a brewery.

  11. Go to a festival.ruck.

  12. Go to a festival.

  13. Go to a concert.

  14. Experience three new cultural events.

  15. Go to a musical.

  16. Go to the ballet.

  17. Visit an opera.

  18. Go to the zoo.

  19. Go hiking.

  20. Run a 10K

Fashion, Beauty, and Wellness

  1. Go to the sauna.

  2. Get a massage.

  3. Buy fruit and vegetables at the Farmer's market.

  4. Complete a 30 day yoga challenge.

  5. Get a manicure.

  6. Get a skin check for cancer.

  7. Eliminate sugar for one week.

  8. Stop ordering diet soda at restaurants.


  1. Buy a new house.

  2. Get a house plant.

  3. Get rid of clothes that no longer fit.

  4. Declutter.

  5. Make a habit of cleaning on rotation to keep the house squeaky clean.


  1. Have 50,000 in the bank.

  2. Cancel unused subscriptions.

  3. Check prices and price compare for cosmetics.

  4. Find a cheaper hair-dresser.


  1. Meet another blogger.

  2. Get 100,000 followers

  3. Get #Youtube up and running.

  4. Interview people for #Youtube.

  5. Read books about blogging.

  6. Work on marketing.

Books, Television, and Music

  1. Complete a reading challenge.

  2. Go to a book signing.

  3. Watch five classic movies.

  4. Create new music playlists.

Create and Learn

  1. Embroider a gift for my family members.

  2. Make jam in tiny jars as a gift for Christmas for people.

  3. Publish my book.

  4. Learn to play the guitar.

  5. Become fluent in French.

Love and Marriage

  1. Start a new tradition with Brian.

  2. Go on a double-date.

  3. Go on a vacation for our anniversary.

Career and Development

  1. Get a promotion and raise.

  2. Go back to school to work on MBA.

  3. Get a spot as a guest speaker.

  4. Get more sponsors.

Give Back

  1. Volunteer at a soup kitchen this Christmas.

  2. Volunteer for the Salvation Army.

  3. Run race for charity.

  4. Pay for someone behind me.

  5. Donate books to the YMCA.

  6. Run the race for my local YMCA.

  7. Volunteer to help set up devices for the blind.

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