The Truth of Life
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The Truth of Life

By Luci Fardo

This week has been trying. I lost my sister to pancreatic cancer. I visited her the day before and was so grateful to see her and talk with her. The good thing about becoming older is that you are here but the negative aspect to that is that you will say goodbye to a lot of people you love along the way. I found out that she passed away at while I was working. I could have left but chose to say. It was an admin day so I felt that staying busy would help me more than dwelling on the sadness. This week has given me a lot of time to think about my life and things that I have learned along the way. I thought I would share those with you.

The first thing is that we alone are responsible for how we feel. I have noticed a lot of people that are unhappy a lot always seems to have a lot to be unhappy. They feel like every event is negative. We must try to look at the good in everything. Decide to commit to be happy each and every day. Look at everything around you that you love and be grateful. I'm sad that my sister passed away but at the same time I am grateful to have been blessed to have her in my life. I am grateful that I was able to say goodbye to her and content knowing that she is no longer in pain.

Make sure that you stay true to yourself. Don't change yourself to fit in with others and be liked. You won't attract the right people trying to be someone you are not. The right people will love you for the person you are. Make sure that you are use courage and stay true to yourself.

Anything that you can dream or want you can achieve it. Successful people I have met believe that they are capable of anything. You only have to apply yourself and work out a plan in order to make it a reality. Don't think about what you can't do but what you can and you will soon find that anything is possible if you are willing to put in the work and the dedication. Overnight success takes years. We don't see the discipline that it has taken some people to reach the success they have achieved. We don't see the person working longer hours than their peers. We don't see the late nights and early mornings they are working and striving to meet their goals. That dream that you have believe it and go after it with your entire being.

Kindness is the most important thing in the world. Be kind to yourself and to others. Don't ever believe that kindness is weakness. Some people will treat you poorly but be kind anyway. Kind and genuine people will be attracted to you. The world will pay you back for your kindness. Don't let the world take away your kindness.

Everyone has hard times. You can view this as a lesson or a blessing. Everyone has had sickness or loss in their lives. Take those hard times and use it make you stronger and more compassionate. I have tried my best to use my darkest moments to guide me to the brightest of future. Try to use your painful past to help other people along your path to guide and help them. I believe that a lot of things that have happened to me were in part my own making. I am the writer of the book of my life. I am choosing to write the best story possible.

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