Stay Strong and Find a Way
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Stay Strong and Find a Way

By Luci Fardo

I was at the gym today on the treadmill and running. I was working out and it gave me time to think about life and the things that people endure and experience. I thought about hardships that people face and the diseases that we are diagnosed with. I recently was told that they suspected I had cancer again and thought about what that meant to me. I thought about what happens to other people when things go wrong. I thought about what keeps me going when things go wrong. I wanted to share my thoughts on how you can keep pushing through.

I don't know what you are going through right now, but if you can find a why for living you can endure nearly anything. When you are attacked by life and going through pain and you can find the reasons to keep you going. You will find a way through it. You can shift your attitude of "Why does this happen to me," to "Good , I'm glad this happened to me I can handle this and come back better. "I've got what it takes."

We all want to be successful, but do you know what a successful person does. A success is someone who can go through hell and be appreciative. A successful person is someone who has lost it all but is grateful for the opportunity to get everything back. A successful person becomes even more motivated to have more than the what they lost. When you feel like giving up don't. If someone tells you that you aren't going to make it, don't believe them. The most important thing to winning is believing in you. You must believe that you can and that when you want something that you can do it. There is a way for you to be successful in this business and in life. Failure is your stairway to success.

When you have health issues. You have to fight. The situation you are in you are fighting for life every day. Don't let life happen to you. Go on the attack. Do what you must to recover. Setbacks are part of life. Don't let it discourage you. Use this opportunity to really live. The times that I have had cancer life has seemed more sweet than it ever was. Don't lose focus on the future. Don't lose sight of your true purpose. Don't cry to give up, but cry to keep going. No matter how hard it is it only takes you to keep going and beat this. At the end of pain is success. If you can stay in the fight you can beat this to your best future.

Getting what you want is up to you. You can turn your life around if you change what you think. You have to have the right mindset to make yourself a success. Don't give in push through it. You have put to much in to give up on whatever you want. You must push harder and outwork everyone else. We get one shot at life. You must make the right decisions to make you the success in whatever you are trying to. You can't just talk about what you want, you have to put in effort and make it happen. Good things are before you if you just move forward and keep pushing through.

In closing, I don't know what the future holds for me in regards to the cancer tests. But, I do know what I won't do and that is give in or give up. I will fight this and I will come out a winner. We all die at some point, but I refuse to stop controlling my present or my future. I will work even harder and most importantly love everyone in my life even more.

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