Finding Success Where Others Fail
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Finding Success Where Others Fail

By Luci Anya Fardo

“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” – Stephen Hawking.

 Yesterday was busy at work. I had a new team and was on a new team of managers myself. The list of things that I had to do seemed endless. I thought about it and did the same thing I have learned to do. I broke the tasks down into smaller sections. I tackled each one and completed them earlier than what I needed to. 

  As a rule that is how I do everything. I have a list of things to do and I do them one at a time. Last night I was up late. I found out some bad news about someone passing away from home. When I woke up this morning I was exhausted. I thought about going back to bed, but decided not to. 

  I went ahead and got up sore from a new work out yesterday. I got dressed and went to the gym. I did my workout and I lifted my weights. I didn't allow myself to think about the hour and a half workout when I got there. I listened to a book and took it fifteen minutes at a time. In order to complete tasks it is far easier to break things down in increments. My mind can't grasp anything more than that and be able to do it. Sometimes you have to trick your mind to be able to do things that seem impossible. 

  Sometimes that is key when you feel the day is too long or the task to hard. Break it down. Figure out what is manageable that will allow you to complete and add up the steps that help you to complete things that seemed daunting at first. When I was a data entry operator I did one document at a time. As an advisor in a call center I answered one call at a time. I didn't think about how long the day was. I focused on the task at hand.

  You can truly apply this to any aspect in your life. When I go to work I don't think about what time my break is or what time I get off work. I think about the task at hand. When I sit down to write an article for this blog I don't think about how long it will take me. I think about what story I want to tell you. The hours, days, weeks, and years are going to pass. You can't sit in a place and dread them. Embrace challenges and look to the horizon. Life is too short to stress and worry over how long the list of tasks will take.

  I work with so many truly talented people who are so young. They have their entire lives before them. I see them struggle with choices they have made. I try to motivate them to find their passion. I try to advise them to create goals.

  I read once to ask myself what I would want to do if money were not an option. What would bring me the most joy. This gave me pause. I used to think that money was the end all be all. As I have grown older I realize that time not money is the most important thing we have. You can always earn more money. 

  In case you haven't guessed I decided that writing was what I loved. I had all of these stories written down and all of these ideas in my head. I wanted to motivate people and create content. Someday I would love to have enough of a following to be a motivational speaker. Those are all lofty goals and I do realize that. When I started I didn't look at the end goal. I didn't look at the publishing date for releasing my book. What I did was start working on editing my book. I started looking at how to create a blog. After I did a lot of research I created a blog. I still have so much to learn, but the important thing is that I am learning. 

  The thing that I would like for you to do is to think about what you love and what you think could bring value to the world. It can be anything. There are so many tools at our disposal in the world we live in now. There are computers, iPhones, libraries, access to masses of people through social media. All you have to do is find out what it is you would like to do. You want to find what will bring you the most joy and fulfillment. 

  I have tried many things in my life and some were not for me. I went back to college and took a career change and tried nursing. It wasn't for me and I went back to tech. I love tech and I love managing people.

  If you are unhappy with your life and are unhappy with what you are doing. Re-evaluate your life. Find something that you want to do or try. It is never to late. I waited to start writing in my thirties. I created my blog in my forties. Don't spend your life being unhappy and someday look back and wish you had done things differently. If you want to do something you will find a way. The important thing is to never settle for less than what will make you happy and give your live purpose. Make sure that you give a green-light to the most extraordinary life changes. Look and access your life and in this new year find your purpose and your passion. Make this your year. Do it one step at a time. Don't look at the end goal but take it one small change at a time. If you do this you will look back someday in wonder. You will be amazed what you will be able to accomplish.

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